What I’m reading this week.

I share a lot of links in my Instagram stories because it’s easy to do it straight from my phone, whereas this takes some more effort, sitting down at the computer, for one. However, I really want to have a collection of these articles etc., both for those not on IG, and for me at a later date when IG finally wises up to me and kicks me off. ;)

Just a few things I’m reading (and watching). (As always, please read/watch them with an eye towards discernment. I often find non-Catholic resources to be helpful, but I submit to the teachings of the Church. I pray you do too.)

TOP PRIORITY: Have you read about the Statement of Conscience to Awaken Conscience? I’m so excited about it that I made a whole page about it and linked it in my menu above! Please visit my page and the links therein. Sign your name in support if you feel called to. Send it along to all your friends. And maybe print it out and mail it to your priest and/or bishop?

CDC Data Disaster: This is a 2 and a half hour seminar revealing the many ways that data was manipulated and exaggerated throughout the past year. Long but worth a listen. (I mostly just put it on when I was driving and doing dishes, but there a few graphs etc that are worth taking a look at and screenshots of.) Click here to listen.

MASK resources: I’ve got two of these resources for you. The first is from one of my favorite resources, Just the Inserts. It’s a massive list of links to studies and expert opinions on the risks and benefits of wearing a mask, especially in regard to children. The second is a sample letter to send to your pastor, principal, etc, written by an RN regarding masks and all the other extreme measures that are being put into place to protect children. It’s a Google doc that you can copy and paste and put in your own words.

Roundtable on Medical Freedom: Finally, here’s a link to watch the recording of the medical freedom Zoom discussion by a few Catholic mamas. It’s about 90 minutes long but I pray it gives you peace and courage in equal measures.

Don’t forget that Friday is the solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of Mary! He is such an incredibly powerful intercessor; don’t neglect to beg his prayers for all of your causes!


Stop calling the police.


Statement of Conscience to Awaken Conscience.