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Catholics have a claim and a responsibility

Perhaps you have heard that non-medical professionals shouldn’t speak about vaccines, or that non-theologians shouldn’t speak on matters of faith.

This is false.

Lay Catholics have, by nature of their baptism, a claim to the “capital T” Truth of the gospel, as well as “lower case t” truth that has been revealed to us by holy scripture, by the Church, by tradition, and by God’s divine creation. We also have a responsibility to know and share this truth.

A little bit about me:

I am a Catholic wife and mother.
I am not a medical professional.
I am racing for Heaven, trying to be a saint.
I am a terrible sinner.
I submit to the teachings of the Church. Sometimes I disagree with Her princes. I do not believe those two statements are in conflict.
There is a history of vaccine injury in my family.
Again, I do not have a medical degree.
I live in California, where it is nearly impossible to receive a medical exemption and religious exemptions no longer exist. (Thus the reason this website is run anonymously: I don’t want my children stigmatized.)
I read and research and watch and listen. I believe I have found a variety of important resources to share.
I am sometimes wrong. I try to admit it when I am.
Did I mention I don’t have a degree in medicine?
I have a strong sense of justice. I strive to be charitable.
I try to boldly proclaim the truth of Christ here on earth, but I do not expect justice until I hopefully one day reach Heaven.

No matter how bad everything seems, I have HOPE in the LORD. I invite you to join me in that hope.

My best advice is and always will be:
Go to Confession,
Go to Mass,
Cling to the Blessed Mother in the rosary.

P.S. This account has become a resource for many. I’m grateful to help you. But I’m also a wife and a mom and those things absolutely must come first. I can’t engage in endless debates. I just can’t. The people-pleaser in me wants to apologize, but the part of me that knows that I only need to answer to God knows that that would be disingenuous. Thank you for your patience with me.