Statement of Conscience to Awaken Conscience.

This post originally appeared on Instagram on March 15, 2021.

MANY of you have asked me what you can do in the face of civic and Church leaders who aren’t respecting the individual right to accept or decline vaccines.

I don’t a have a perfect answer.

But today a dear friend sent me two links and it felt like an answer to a prayer.

Click here to go to the page I made especially for the Statement of Conscience to Awaken Conscience!

FINALLY! Catholic bioethicists who speak on behalf of the unborn in no uncertain terms.

Please, please, please: take the time to read through those two links. Sign the Statement of Conscience if you feel so called. And SHARE them with a few people you know. Remember, God doesn’t call us to change the world, just to affect those nearest to us for good.


What I’m reading this week.


Church Triumphant.