Church Triumphant.

This post first appeared on Instagram on March 12, 2021.

Today I got a DM that said, “I don’t know how I’m going to face what’s coming.”

Oof. I feel that with every fiber of my being.

And yet, I don’t.

Our Good and Mighty God tells us in Holy Scriptures that He will never abandon us. That He knows our every need and the number of hairs on our heads.

And lest we forget, we are a part of a mighty Church. We trace our apostolic succession back to Christ Himself. Our Church has been through dark times and praise be to God that we get to fight for her now.


We are not alone!

Not only do we have friends and relatives and the Holy Trinity on our side...

We have the CHURCH TRIUMPHANT! The Saints who blazed a trail for us! They are still fighting on our behalf.

We have the ANGELS fighting battles that we don’t even know we are being spared from!

We have the Eucharist and the other sacraments to build up our spiritual strength.

We are shielded by the mantle of the Blessed Mother, soft as velvet and strong as steel.

We are guarded by the cloak of Saint Joseph, rough and worn but never torn.

The spiritual world is alive and rich and it is FOR US! For you and for me! The battle rages on and yes, we must do our part but we have a GOD who has already won. We have spiritual mothers and fathers who watch over us and protect us and and yes, they nudge us when we go astray.

Christ the King is the Victor. Stay in the battle out of love for Him.

Be not afraid.

Courage, dear heart.

YOUR TURN: how do you remain courageous in the face of spiritual and physical trials? Leave them in the comments.


Statement of Conscience to Awaken Conscience.


“Let My people go, that they may serve Me.”