Standards of Behavior

This post first appeared on Instagram on July 20, 2020.


Seeking always to glorify God and to love my neighbor, the posts that I share on this page will attempt to be positive and uplifting, although they will rarely be lighthearted. Medical freedom is a heavy topic and we face many obstacles to it in our current culture.

The related topics (vaccines, masks, government mandates) are often divisive and hateful when found elsewhere on the internet. AS CATHOLICS, WE MUST BE BETTER THAN THE REST OF THE INTERNET.

There. I said it.

If a comment is uncharitable or threatening, I reserve the right to delete the comment and possibly block the poster, at my discretion.

IMPORTANT caveat: the goal of this page is to encourage, discuss, and empower Catholics to embrace their God-given medical freedom. I will never shame people for vaccinating their kids, masking, etc, because that is part and parcel of medical freedom. If God and the Church allow it, I support your right to choose it.

Many of my very good friends fully vaccinate their kids. They support my choice to not do so with my own. We have deep authentic friendships that aren’t based on medical decisions. My hope is that everyone finds such dear friends. But we have to start by *being* that friend that loves unconditionally.

I *think* that concludes my VIP series, and hopefully we can get into the nitty gritty of medical freedom. I’m planning by beginning with a super casual topic😅, a Catholic Case for Vaccine Choice. Pray for me. 🤣


What is medical freedom?


Be not afraid.