Be not afraid.

This post originally appeared on Instagram on July 19, 2020.



There’s so much fear in the discussion around medical freedom. Fear of illness, fear of pharmaceuticals, fear of government, fear of neighbor.

I want this account to be different. I want to focus on data, on God’s design, and on discussions that inspire us to live a life of virtue that can embolden us to face a world that is shrink-wrapped in fear.

God has told us, throughout Holy Scripture and through the teachings of His saints, that we are not to be afraid. He knows every breath we take and every hair on our head. We are precious to Him, and we can trust Him to care for us and for our families.

I want to take a quick minute to distinguish between the instinct of fear and fear-based decision-making. The former is a gift that the Lord God bestowed on us to warn us in times of danger. Many can attest to that instinct saving lives. The latter, however, is a debilitating lifestyle.

As Catholic Christians, we are called to live a life of virtue, yet fearfulness is a vice. We are called to be courageous. To be prudent. To gain knowledge and grow in wisdom. Be NOT afraid.

It’s my hope that this account will be a safe place for you to learn and grow. I will do my best to share information and resources in a way that avoids fear-mongering.

In St John’s gospel, Jesus promises to leave the Holy Spirit to His people. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. “ Jn 14:27

Lord, send Your Holy Spirit down upon us. Give us courage and wisdom. Give us prudence and gentleness. Give us the LOVE that pours forth from Your Most Sacred Heart.

P.S. Today my priest reminded us that we are required to offer our prayers and sacrifices not only for ourselves and loved ones, but also for our enemies. Let’s remember to do that, team. A Hail Mary or an Our Father? ♥️


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