Masks, part 2.

This post originally appeared on Instagram on March 4, 2021.

What are we doing to our children with these masks?

Are we depriving them of:
•human connection?
•effective parenting?
•meaningful instruction?
•speech + language development?
•a childhood unhindered by adult worries?
•basic freedom?

Are we making them:
•fearful of illness and disease?
•fearful of others depending on what’s on or not on their faces?
•overly burdened by the safety of others?
•hesitant to assert themselves?
•unable to preach the gospel?

•Are we raising kids who will have lifelong mental health issues because we spent a year+ covering the faces God gave them and restricting their oxygen intake?

•Are we teaching our children to be submissive to rules that don’t make logical sense simply because we don’t have time to argue with people in the store? (🙋🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️)

•Are we putting our fear of being shamed for not wearing a mask above the spiritual, mental, and social needs of our children?



A mother

P.S. Take a look at this MASSIVE mask resource. Bookmark it, send it to your schools, your civil servants, and maybe even print it out to have on hand. It’s a treasure trove of links. Thank you, @justtheinserts for everything you do.


“Let My people go, that they may serve Me.”


Listen to the experts.