Vaccine injuries are real.

Vaccine injuries are real. This is not a debate. They are recognized by the manufacturers (as noted on the vaccine inserts that accompany each vial of shots), and by the US government (as recognized by the over 4 billion dollars paid out since 1986 following the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act).

Are vaccine injuries rare, even very rare? Research and the related opinions on this vary widely. However, injuries *do* occur, and for that reason, it’s imperative that parents be offered both knowledge of these potential side effects and the opportunity to decline if they feel the risks outweigh the benefits. This is what informed consent, an important medical principle, entails.

Why don’t we believe mothers and fathers who witness these injuries? What makes a mother, the resident expert on her own child, so unbelievable in this particular circumstance?

Is it possible that the issue of vaccines, which so divides us as a nation, has hardened our hearts towards those whose hearts have been broken by their side effects?

How can those who haven’t experienced injuries first-hand open their hearts to the possibility that these medical procedures, as in the case of every other medicine/procedure on the market, have both the possibility of helping AND of harming?

Do you have a vaccine injury story? I would love to hear it. I would be honored to acknowledge your pain and suffering and to pray for healing for you and/or your child. Share it in the comments or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, you may share with me via DMs and I’ll share it without any identifying information in my stories. I would love to see photos of your little ones too, and if you’d like me to share the photos in stories, please let me know.

St Rafael, the healer, pray for us. Divine Physician, heal Your beloved children.

Please note: comments on my posts are limited to my followers to prevent trolling. Gaslighting, shaming, and mocking, will be deleted immediately and the offender will be blocked. I have no qualms about this. Mind your manners, please.


Charity and liberty are not opposed.


Pray for those who persecute you.