Charity and liberty are not opposed.

This post originally appeared on Instagram on August 13, 2020.

Those of us who are fighting for liberty need to remember to be rooted in charity. Many secular and non-Catholic Christian voices who join us in medical freedom discussions lack the full teachings of the Church and therefore engage in calumny and assorted other sins against charity. We, as Catholics, must rise above the tactics used by the evil one. Truth in charity, always.

On the other hand, those who ask others to perform acts of charity should remember that liberty—free will—is not only important but essential. Charity must be a gift of self or it isn’t charity at all. Anything forced or coerced is by nature, lacking in charity.

Liberty AND charity come from God. They are not opposed.

Just something that’s been on my heart lately.


Making an idol out of health


Vaccine injuries are real.