The light shines in the darkness…

This post originally appeared on Instagram on November 14, 2020.

…and the darkness has not overcome it. -John 1:5

Corruption is everywhere. It’s in our government, in our Church, and in our own hearts.

But it does NOT win. It will, by God’s grace and protection, NOT consume us.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” -John 1:5

So how do we keep that candle lit inside us, when everywhere we turn it seems that we are encompassed by darkness?

As Catholics, we know that “informed consent” in regards to medical procedures is only the tip of the iceberg. Like the virgins and their lamps (Matthew 25), we absolutely must keep a store of “oil” on hand. It is often said that sin clouds the intellect and weakens the will. So how will we discern well the practical steps we need to take to care for our families if we are mired in sin?

The care of our souls must be the primary step in caring for our bodies.

Therefore, we cannot let the light of Christ go out of us by neglecting to fill ourselves with His grace. We must prepare ourselves for the spiritual battle that rages around us, and that preparation is almost entirely an interior one.

Here is my 🪔🕯 checklist:

Mass (2-3 x/week)

Spiritual direction

(I’m hoping to add weekly Adoration back in because I just found a local parish is now holding a daily Holy Hour. Praise be to God.)

DO NOT FORGET: Our Lord exhorted us to not be afraid. He promised He would never abandon us. He gave us the Sacraments to keep us close to His Most Sacred Heart.

Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God IS the light and His light WILL NOT be overcome by darkness. 🔥 🕊


Independence Day, 2020


Is this the new normal?