Is this the new normal?

This post originally appeared on Instagram on November 9, 2020.

A long Confession line on Saturday gave me time to pray the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. As I meditated on Our Lord’s bloody body on the cross, I considered how He Who is all Good takes things that are hideous and makes them beautiful:
•the cross, a form of torture, sanctified forever as our mark of Christianity
•the holes from the nails poured His Precious Blood forth, healing and protecting us
•the spear wound in His side gushed forth with the waters of mercy

The list goes on and on.

On the other hand, the evil one takes what is beautiful: motherhood, family, community, FACES FOR GOODNESS SAKES, and makes them ugly to our sinful eyes and hearts.

Lord, save us from this deceit.

Is screaming obscenities at someone for not wearing a mask more virtuous than going maskless while meeting other families at the park for some sunshine and fresh air?

Is shaming people for disobeying stay-at-home orders more virtuous than visiting lonely loved ones?

Is forbidding sick and dying Catholics from receiving last rites somehow morally superior to moving mountains to be at their bedside to do your best to help get them to heaven?

Is seething with anger over friends who don’t “follow the rules” more virtuous than finding a peaceful way for your family to live in tumultuous times?

Is this the new normal?

Because if so...

No, thanks.

The longer this goes on, the more I see how the evil one has twisted this situation to his advantage. Is there a 🦠? Yes. Is it dangerous? To some, yes. Should our entire culture shift accordingly in order to be more fearful, anxious, divisive, and angry?


Fear, anger at seeing the face of a stranger, screaming obscenities, calling the police on your neighbor... these are Not. From. God.

May God forgive us for falling for the lies of the cowardly one.

St Paul says it best: “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” -Ephesians 6:12

The battle we are in right now is showing itself to be a deeply spiritual one.

ARM YOURSELF in the Catholic sense: with frequent reception of the sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, and with prayer, especially a daily rosary.

No matter what the evil one says, all is as it has ever been in God’s Kingdom. Virtue is still virtue and vice is still vice and God is still on His throne. Let us love and speak boldly on His behalf and under His protection.

Blessed be His Holy Name, forever.


The light shines in the darkness…


Hope, anger, courage.