Do you know how to spot propaganda?

Can you identify propaganda?

According to Merriam-Webster, propaganda is “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.” It comes from the Latin word “propagare,” meaning to propagate. The word was first used in the ecclesial sense, to mean the evangelization of peoples, however, it now has a distinctly pejorative and secular connotation.

Throughout secular history, propaganda has been used most commonly during wartime. The Nazis used propaganda to convince the Germans that the economic collapse was caused by Jews, rather than the failure of the government to recover from WWI losses. North Korea, a Communist regime caught up in a perpetual wartime state, still uses propaganda videos to convince its citizens that outside their borders there’s “nothing to envy” (one of their longtime propaganda slogans).

Of course, there are more innocuous forms of propaganda too. Patriotism, especially in time of war, can boost morale and keep citizens from despairing.

Techniques of propaganda:
-repeated messages of short sounds-bite type slogans
-cute, artistic, or otherwise appealing images or videos
-parroting of the messages by “trustworthy” sources
-shaming of people who don’t endorse the messages

Recognize any of these?

Catholics should remember that our Church teaches us that we have been endowed by our Creator with both an intellect and a will. Just because something has an Instagram sticker to go along with it, and is repeated ad nauseum (or perhaps *because* it is) on the news, doesn’t mean you need to believe it.

Use your rational, God-given mind.

Ask questions. The truth can handle it.

If something feels like propaganda, dig deeper. Be open to legitimate correction, but also, consider the possibility that in some cases, being in the minority means that you are in the right.

The Lord, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived, won’t have any part of propaganda. Truth is truth and needs no propaganda to further it.

Our Lady, Vanquisher of Heresies, pray for us.


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Courage! Do not fall back!