Monday reminders

This was originally posted on Instagram on July 19, 2021.

Monday reminders

1. Healthy people will not make you sick.

2. If the government cared about your health they would spend a whole lot more money on advertising good nutrition and daily exercise than... [the things they are spending it on].

3. Treating everyone as if they are sick and contagious is delusional behavior, not to mention unChristian.

4. Many j@bs are made with aborted baby parts and the Church allows you to decline on religious grounds.

5. Health doesn’t come from a mask for a needle.

6. Wearing a mask has risks.

7. Adverse events are real and being reported at record high rates. (Typo in the graphic. 🤦🏻‍♀️) Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are exempt from ALL LIABILITY in regards to v🪓ine injuries.

8. The dehumanization of the “other” always leads to grave injustice.

9. Censorship of opposing viewpoints is a tool of authoritarian regimes and has no place in a free society.

BONUS (and probably the most important) REMINDER:

God loves you completely, utterly, fiercely. Whenever you feel alone, turn to Him.


Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit

