Where are the shepherds?

This post originally appeared on Instagram on October 27, 2020.

This is a plea from the heart of a daughter of the Church. From one who will not leave, who remains, in spite of how bereft she feels.

WHERE WERE THE BISHOPS when the government deemed Holy Mass, the source and summit of our faith, as non-essential?

If the Mass is truly where Heaven meets Earth, and Jesus is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist, then why have many of them given up fighting for it?

WHERE WERE THE BISHOPS when Operation Warp Speed gave hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to *new* you-know-what vacccines using tissue from aborted fetuses? If the bishops had risen en masse and objected, would the world have taken notice? (A special thanks to those few who did.)

WHERE WERE THE BISHOPS when the sick and dying in hospitals were denied the very sacraments that would assure them eternal life? (In many places they still are.) Were the bishops making phone calls to officials, protesting outside, getting arrested for saving souls?

WHERE WERE THE BISHOPS last week when Pope Francis confused the entire world, Catholic and otherwise, on the teachings of the Catholic Church? Did they approach him as one, asking for clarification for their flocks?

Did they turn to their flocks and say, “My dear children. I see your confusion. I will advocate for you to the Holy See.” (Many thanks to the few who did.)

WHERE ARE THE CATHOLIC SHEPHERDS? For months, I’ve watched evangelical churches gather and protest injustice. Thousands have been gathering to praise God publicly as is right and just. The faith of these evangelicals is astounding, and they do not even have the True Presence or apostolic succession. How much more is expected of Catholics?

Where are the weekly Eucharistic Processions, the civil disobedience to mandates that treat our faith as, at best a hobby, and at worst, as dangerous to the culture?

CATHOLICS, PROCLAIM CHRIST IN THE STREETS. Christ dead by our sins, Christ risen by His own power, Christ present in every tabernacle and consecrated at every Holy Mass. God the Divine Physician to Whom every knee should bend, during times of pandemics or otherwise.

The truth is that there ARE good and holy priests and good and holy bishops but many of the faithful have largely been left to drift in a secular culture that is (literally) hell bent on hating us. Have we not supported them enough? Do they not know that we will stand behind them?

Laity, stand up! Tell your shepherd you need him, tell him you love him, tell him you pray for him. Then ask him to advocate for his flock.

Protect and guide us from sin and damnation, dear shepherds. Beloved priests and bishops, we beg you to tend to your flocks. Lead us in the way of holiness.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on all of us who are lukewarm.
Blessed Mother, give courage to your sons.
St Joseph, Terror of Demons, protect the Church.
St Thomas More, pray for us.
St Charles Borromeo, pray for us.
All you holy angels, all you holy men and women, pray for us.


Hope, anger, courage.


Recognize (and reject) the voice of the accuser.