Thursday Thoughts

This was originally posted on Instagram on September 9, 2021.

Just some scattered Thursday thoughts as we await the press conference at the White House. (Link to sign up for my rel exemptions webinar is at my link in profile.)

Two things can be true at the same time. There can both be a dangerous virus and dangerous government overreach. The former neither negates nor justifies the latter. 

The devil is a sneaky one. If he can’t deceive us, he’ll make us resentful of those whom he has deceived. Don’t let him win! Ask Jesus to give you His own Sacred Heart, so you don’t forget how much He loves all of His children. 

I do not fight for freedom from tyranny for myself. I fight because God is the source of freedom and I want my children and my grandchildren to see Him in the world around them. 

Last but not least: 

The Lord is sovereign over all. He is our refuge and our hope.


Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse


“Catholics have no grounds to claim religious exemption.”