Masks: are we asking the right questions?

This post originally appeared on Instagram, on September 24, 2020.

I've been asked a lot of mask questions, generally revolving around these questions:

“Do they work?”

“Should we wear them out of charity, regardless of their efficacy?”

I, however, have different questions.

1. Am I making decisions out of fear?
2. What is my own attitude about masks doing to my soul?
3. Am I using my God-given ability for reason?

Q1: Am I making decisions out of fear?

Check out my post titled “Be Not Afraid” for my perspective on that.

Q2: What is my own attitude about masks doing to my soul?

I feel like I could write a book about this, but maybe a brief examination of conscience is more helpful.

If I’m pro-mask, am I...
-making snap judgments about a person based on what is or isn’t on his/her face? 😷
-judging people who don’t wear a mask as less loving than I am? 😡
-retreating into online communities that shame anti-maskers? 🤬
-wishing illness or death on people who don’t wear a mask? 💀

If I’m anti-mask, am I...
-making snap judgments about a person based on what is or isn’t on his/her face? 😷
-judging people who wear a mask as less intelligent than I am? 😐
-retreating into online communities that mock people who mask? 👩‍💻 🐑
-willfully disregarding the health needs of others?

Don’t endanger your immortal soul over masks. Masks would a really lame reason to go to hell. 🔥 Charity in all things. ♥️

Re Q3: Am I using my God-given ability to reason?

Please take a look at my stories today on two arrests of people for not wearing masks in *outdoor* spaces while socially distanced.

Guys. Come on. We need to regain some common sense around the subject of masks. Do the updated death rates for this virus (check the CDC website or my stories) warrant arresting people for not wearing a mask? Outdoors? While socially distanced? Or is it possible that our government, out of a desire to protect us, has indeed gone far past common sense?

In conclusion:

What are we doing?

Have we forgotten the humanity of our brothers and sisters in Christ?

I’ve often lamented the fact that people say online what they would never say to someone’s face due to the anonymity of a screen. And now I wonder, are we treating masks in the same way? Have we elevated the wearing or not wearing of a mask above the dignity of the human being, the CHILD OF GOD, that is there before us, masked or unmasked?

When will we reject the ways of the world? When we will denounce the division that comes so quickly and readily in times like these?

Our fight isn’t against each other.

“For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12


The problem with mandates.


Is this tyranny?