Jabs and passports are not the same.

This post originally appeared on Instagram on April 10, 2021.

In the year 249, the Roman Emperor Decius felt that Rome’s struggles were attributable to the lack of piety on the part of the Roman citizens. He believed the gods were punishing the people for their faithlessness, so he ordered each Roman citizen to appear before a judge, swear loyalty to Rome, and make an incense offering to a pagan god in the presence of the judge. The judge would then issue the citizen a piece of paper, called a libelus (literally “little book”), which certificated each citizen’s loyalty to the state gods. Some sources say Jews were exempt, but it is universally accepted that Christians were not. Christians were then forced to choose between apostasy and the potential punishments of imprisonment, exile, or brutal death.

I can’t help but notice the similarities between this story and the current push for vaccine passports.

(Some who read this will scoff and say that it’s hyperbolic to equate the libelus with the 💉 passport. But I would ask those same people if, last year at this time, they scoffed at people like me when we said that something akin to these passports were the natural next step to Op Warp Speed. If the answer to that is yes, please consider that you were wrong last year and it’s possible you are wrong about this.)

But I digress.

VACCINES are a medical choice. The CDF has given permission to Catholics to use them.


Vaccine PASSPORTS are a violation of privacy and freedom. The CDF specifically said vaccines must be voluntary, and logic tells us that coercion negates “voluntary.”

•The Nuremberg Code ensures that we don’t have to submit to experimental medicine.

•HIPPAA protects our private medical details from the public.

•Casti Connubi says that public magistrates have no control over our bodies.

⚠️❌Ergo: vaccine passports violate international law, US law, and Church teaching in one way or another. ⚠️❌

Are these shaping up to be the libelus of our time? Show your loyalty or face the consequences?

Movements like this do not end well.

Hear this: If I am not completely free to refuse to have something INJECTED INTO MY BODY—no coercion, no repercussions—then I am not free. And if I am not free, I hate to break this to you, but you aren’t either.

Maybe you’re fine with this shot, but all that proves is that the line hasn’t been crossed for you *yet.* And if you don’t support those of us who are sounding the alarm bells on freedom now, you are opening the door to your own doom, and the doom of society at large.

Aside from the Second Coming (come, my Beloved, and deliver Your people) it would seem that the only way to protect from vaccine passports is to have legal protections against them.

It’s not enough that they aren’t being adopted everywhere. We’re currently living in the Wild, Wild, ‘Rona West and the only laws are the laws that purport to protect people from the hobgoblin du jour.

•Some Catholic priests have begun to segregate their parishioners into vaccinated and unvaccinated pews,
•businesses can make up whatever rules they want in the name of “health and safety,”
•and for Heaven’s SAKE at this very moment, the volcano on the island of St Vincent is erupting and cruise ships who are offering to evacuate will ONLY TAKE PEOPLE WHO ARE CV VACCINATED.

Do you see it yet?

We are cattle being narrowed into the chute for branding.

SAY NO to the modern libelus. No to invasions of privacy and decimation of freedom. No to being forced into betraying my conscience and my faith for the freedoms my country has promised its citizens for 250 years.

Just no. NO and NO and NO and NO.


God over man.


Righteous anger.