Informed consent.

This post first appeared on Instagram on December 27, 2020.


Like all medical products, vaccines have some serious potential side effects.

VICP has paid out $4.4 BILLION to families of vax-injured people.

VAERS logged 2149 deaths attributed to vaccines between 1997 and 2013, and in 2018 alone received over 48,000 reports of adverse reactions.

•Manufacturers are required to list possible adverse reactions on the package insert. Section 6.1 lists experiences during clinical trials. Section 6.2 lists post-marketing experience. (Link to all inserts in FDA website in my profile) Are reactions rare? Yes. But do we have a right to know them and decline if we believe the risks outweigh the benefits? Also yes.

Section 13.1 of most package inserts says some variation of “this product has not been tested for mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, or impairment to fertility.” So if a product has NOT BEEN TESTED for mutation, cancer-causing effects, or effects on fertility, in a country with astronomical rates of cancer and infertility... how exactly do we come by the “proven safe” label? I can’t say they are the cause, but if we don’t study them, how can their manufacturers say they aren’t?

•Side note: CA just passed a law *banning* formaldehyde from use in skin care products by 2025. But CA also has laws *mandating* that we give our kids vaccines with the same ingredient. 🤔

REGARDING INFORMED CONSENT: here’s what the American Medical Association has to say about it.

“Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both ethics and law. Patients have the right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments so that they can make well-considered decisions about care.” Doctors are also supposed to offer information regarding “burdens, risks, and expected benefits of all options, including forgoing treatment.”

Injected pharmaceuticals/biologics carry with them a risk, no matter how rare, that patients should be fully informed about.

If there are RISKS, there must be a choice. Period.




Abortion is a moral evil.