Holy Week

This post first appeared on Instagram on Palm Sunday, 2021.

This week has been a doozy. Some of you have walked with me during the spiritual and personal attacks. I thank you all for the prayers and for reaching out. I can’t express to you how much they supported me.

May God reward you, as the Carmelites say.

I’m going to take this week entirely off of Instagram in order to better focus on Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. I’m also making my account private (just until I get back) so I don’t have to worry about what’s going on when I’m away.

I pray that God reaches deep into every heart and makes Himself known there.

I pray we drop every. last. thing. and REPENT and turn to Him.

I pray the Love He showers on us this week overflows into our families and out into the world.

I pray that this Passiontide is the most meaningful and holy we have ever had.

I will be back, by God’s grace holier than before, after Easter Sunday.

Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever.


Easter 2021


How to be a medical freedom ally.