10 facts about the Covid vaccine.

This post first appeared on Instagram on January 4, 2021. The facts presented were accurate to that date to the best of my knowledge. Charitable corrections, as always, are welcome.

These websites and their related Instagram account were instrumental in writing this post.

Just the Inserts

The Everly Report

1. There are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccines💉.
2. The ones currently in use are approved temporarily under an Emergency Use Authorization. When the EUA is revoked/rescinded, so will any permission to use them.
3. According to the FDA and the manufacturers, there is not enough safety information on administration of any of the current Covid vaccines on people with compromised immune systems, pregnant women, children under age 16 (or 18, depending on the manufacturer), or the elderly to make a determination about the safety in those sub-populations.
4. There isn’t sufficient evidence to show that the shot will prevent transmission of the virus. They have only been shown to reduce symptoms for the recipients.
5. The antibody response has only been tested through 2 months after the receipt of the second shot, so there is no available data on long-term efficacy.
6. According to the FDA, some potential side effects might include: Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, stroke, seizure, narcolepsy, adverse pregnancy/birth outcomes, anaphylaxis, and death. For a full list, see the FDA website.
7. According to the FDA, rare side effects and delayed reactions might not be available until it is administered to millions of people.
8. Unlike any other product in the US, manufacturers will NOT be held liable if you or anyone else injured from the vaccine.

And especially for Catholics:
1. Most vaccines on the current schedule ARE NOT studied for adverse effects on fertility. (See recent post on section 13.) While we don’t yet have the package insert for these products, we can assume with the new technology (mRNA) and the very short trial window, there is little or no data on effects to fertility.
2. Info regarding use of aborted babies: Pf izer used HEK 293 in the testing phase. There are no fetal cells in the product.
Mode RNA used HEK 293 in design, development, and testing. For full data on the use of aborted babies in these vaccines, please visit the Children of God for Life website.


Lockdowns kill.

